I am NOT a conspiracy theorist but it looked staged, for a variety of reasons. In addition if he was t hit in the ear by gun fire, wouldn't there have been a lot more damage??

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Jul 29Liked by Dash Dobrofsky

Yes there would. It was reported on NBC news within 2 hours of the assassination attempt that a piece of a teleprompter is what struck his ear. It was also reported as an AK round, not an AR round. Much less velocity, but twice the mass and nearly a third of an inch (7.62mm) in diameter. Those bullets are hot, and if one had just punched a hole in his ear, he most likely would have been screaming in pain, not shaking his fist around. Of coutse, if the news was wrong, it was only a small fragment of a bullet that struck him.

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Jul 29Liked by Dash Dobrofsky

Sad that in the highest court in the land they would not hold themselves to the highest standards of behavior. Hopefully the new sheriff coming to town (Kamala) can fix that!😜

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Thank you…I’m the farthest thing from! But, it looked fishy as it happened and it looks even fishier now! It’s a known fact that tRump and his cronies are liars! He withheld his taxes from everyone, he withheld the fact that Covid was here and spreads like wildfire, he paid hush money to withhold having sex 🤢 with a stripper so it would not get out before the election, he withheld giving back our top secret documents to the FBI after stealing them from the White House, etc., and more! Then we got the truth and learned he withheld them bc he’s a liar! Now he’s withholding his medical info from almost being assassinated?! What are we supposed to think? He’s the friggin ass that cried wolf!

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Jul 29Liked by Dash Dobrofsky

Just plain WEIRD.

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Weird, indeed.

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Thank you, Dash. I’ll try to figure out how to give you the highest rating possible.

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Looked a bit pro wrestler-ish

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What if the shooter was ordered to miss Trump? What if Trump’s makeup person taped a blood capsule behind him s ear. When Trump heard the shots, he slapped his ear and blood spurted everywhere. That would explain the miraculously healing ear, wouldn’t you it?

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Well, I’ll be…

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Weird, but let's respect that all of our medical records are confidential.... and in the past he got a quacky dr to say he was ok anyway.

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Yet he was always demanding medical info from Biden. Why would any one believe anything he says?

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