Let me just get this out of the way: Biden was awful. And no, he didn’t get better as the debate went on…he remained awful til’ the bitter end.
Okay, now that the hard part is over, let’s actually talk about the debate — and what it means going forward.
Here is The Gen Z Perspective
When a movie star bombs at the box office for the first time, the studios don’t just toss them away and never work with them again.
They let the star lay low for a while…let audiences forget the stinker of a film even exists…and then give the star another chance after the dust settles.
*Then, should the movie star fail again in his redemption film, well…that’s usually when the studios cut the chord on that movie star.*
That’s how I feel about Biden. He was terrible. Let’s own it, and let’s hope his team keeps him away from the media for a few weeks until some new political headlines take over (after all we’re in the TikTok/social media era where most news/events are forgotten in 24 hours).
In 5 months time, voters probably won’t be thinking about this. The sting will be gone. They’ll be thinking about abortion rights/democracy/climate/healthcare — which Biden still has the upper hand on.
But while we’re in the thick of last night’s sting, I must say, it’s very hard to spin last night as anything other than a catastrophe for Biden!
How to recover from last night
I hope Biden comes out and acknowledges his failed performance — it would make people laugh and would remind them of what actually matters in this race: policies/principles.
Even for me, who defends Biden at every turn and who always boasts about his accomplishments as President and his ability to get stuff done…that was damn hard to watch.
I cringed watching Joe — a kind & decent man — struggle to get a sentence out and ultimately come off weaker and less competent than Donald Trump (A crazy demented lunatic). Even though I know Joe isn’t weak or incompetent, he came off that way and there’s no two ways about it.
It’s time to address the elephant in the room: Should Democrats replace Joe Biden with a younger candidate?
My take as a Gen Z voter is…