Jack Smith's Report Gets Released Causing Outrage At Mar-a-Lago
Jack Smith's long-awaited criminal report gets released before Donald's inauguration, which sparks fury down in West Palm Beach
In his final act as Special Counsel, Jack Smith wrote up an unforgiving January 6th report on his investigation into Donald Trump — and it’s now been made public, courtesy of the Justice Department.
The dossier is a whopping 174 pages, outlining Smith’s entire case against Trump and the rationale behind bringing criminal charges.
Here’s a powerful quote from Smith in the opening: “While I relied greatly on the counsel, judgment, and advice of our team, I want it to be clear that the ultimate decision to bring charges against Mr. Trump was mine. It is a decision I stand behind fully. To have done otherwise on the facts developed during our work would have been to shirk my duties as a prosecutor and a public servant.”
Smith was ready to nail Trump to the wall. He didn’t care about politics or the perception of the case. He was all about seeking justice.
In fact
Smith writes that the evidence his team had was sufficient to secure a ‘conviction’ if not for Trump winning the election: “But for Mr. Trump's election and imminent return to the Presidency, the Office assessed that the admissible evidence was sufficient to obtain and sustain a conviction at trial.”
It’s a travesty he didn’t get to finish his job. An absolutely infuriating line to read.
At the very least
Trump’s criminality has now been cemented in history. Had he been sworn back into office before its release, it likely would’ve been fed to a paper shredder and erased from existence.
Thank you for your service and patriotism, Mr. Smith.
Meanwhile, Smith’s work is ruffling feathers in West Palm Beach
Not only did Smith release a damning 174-page report detailing Trump’s unlawful misconduct, but its publication has already caused outrage at Mar-a-Lago: