If We Unite Behind Biden, We'll Defeat Donald Trump
P.S. Republicans have a mischievous plan in the works should Democrats be ignorant enough to force Biden out
There is too much at stake — especially for my generation — for Democrats to be getting cold feet about their candidate this late in the game.
A candidate who, by the way, delivered on all of his campaign promises: he passed the largest climate bill in US history, he added a record-number of jobs to the economy, he brought the stock market to several all-time-highs, he brought us out of a pandemic, and he saved us from a Trump dictatorship.
What more could we possibly ask for out of a President?
Enough is enough
The only way we lose this race is if our party continues to fight amongst each-other over a George Clooney article — or if members of Congress keep falling for the fabricated stories that are being planted in the trades by ratings-starved DC reporters.
Not to mention
There’s another major glaring reason why Democrats should stop floating the idea of subbing Biden out for another candidate, and it appears it’s a reason even Democrats haven’t taken the time to consider.